The Agora Project is a new program designed to record lectures and other public events held on campus. Agora began as a student initiative and has since received the CDLR’s support, as well as that of AV, Communications, ITS, and beyond. Agora’s recordings will be uploaded to Oxy’s YouTube channel and be archived offline by Special Collections. The process will be managed by newly trained Agora Production Assistants working within the CDLR and in close conjunction with AV. Operations are to begin with the opening of the Fall semester. For any questions about Agora, please email Alex Wolf ’10 at

Athenian Agora

Athenian Agora
"Agora" refers to the ancient marketplace of ideas

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

progress update

Agora Progress Update

Website: Agora’s website will be hosted under the CLDR’s page. It will be primarily for providing information and making project requests.

Recording: Agora’s mobile unit has been set up and tested. We discovered some problems with quicktime broadcaster, so we are switching to Quicktime Pro. We also put in a request to purchase a USB conference mic to help consolidate our recording apparatus.

Archiving: For archiving purposes, Agora technicians will fill out a detailed production log, which is now online.

Distributing: We have chosen to put Agora content on Oxy’s YouTube page. Marsha Inouye manages the page with Kimberly from ITS. I am meeting with Marsha next week to carve out space for Agora projects. She will also be helpful re: logos.

Labor: See "agora PA" form

Legal Matters: Communications has already devised a release form to be signed by all incoming students. This will cover students, while the Agora release forms we drew up in the spring with serve for all visitors.

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