The Agora Project is a new program designed to record lectures and other public events held on campus. Agora began as a student initiative and has since received the CDLR’s support, as well as that of AV, Communications, ITS, and beyond. Agora’s recordings will be uploaded to Oxy’s YouTube channel and be archived offline by Special Collections. The process will be managed by newly trained Agora Production Assistants working within the CDLR and in close conjunction with AV. Operations are to begin with the opening of the Fall semester. For any questions about Agora, please email Alex Wolf ’10 at

Athenian Agora

Athenian Agora
"Agora" refers to the ancient marketplace of ideas

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Progress Update III

Agora Progress Update III

Website: Agora’s website will be hosted under the CLDR’s page. It will be primarily for providing information and making project requests. The launch of the Agora page awaits the completion of the CDLR’s. Most of the content that will be up on the site has already been written.

Recording: Agora’s mobile unit has been set up and tested. We have switched to Quicktime Pro and have employed our new XML conference mic, which works wonderfully. Our recording apparatus is now much slimmer and easier to use than it was at the beginning of the summer.

Archiving: For archiving purposes, Agora technicians will fill out a detailed production log, which is now online.

Distributing: We have chosen to put Agora content on Oxy’s YouTube page. I have not yet been able to carve out a distinct space for Agora videos on the YouTube page. This will have to happen in the first few weeks of school, when ITS and Communications are not so bogged down with work.

Labor: See "agora PA" form. The position is still pending approval.

Legal Matters: Communications has already devised a release form to be signed by all incoming students. This will cover students, while the Agora release forms we drew up in the spring with serve for all visitors. I am working on a plain-English translation of the release form, to be posted to our website. This will ensure that Agora PA's are well trained and professional in explaining the consequences of signing it.

I have finished my summer pay period at the CDLR and will not be in the Library on a regular basis. Currently I am in Los Angeles recovering from a surgery. You may reach me by phone or email, but please be understanding if my response is delayed. 

Friday, August 7, 2009

progress update II

Agora Progress Update II

Website: Agora’s website will be hosted under the CLDR’s page. It will be primarily for providing information and making project requests. The majority of the web content has been finished, with the exception of some visual details. For these matters, including issues related to YouTube, I still need to meet with Marsha Inouye, who has been hard to get ahold of.

Recording: Agora’s mobile unit has been set up and tested. We discovered some problems with quicktime broadcaster, so we are switching to Quicktime Pro. We have now tested Pro and run into difficulties. Michael and I have a meeting next week with Mike Redfern to get to the bottom of it. We also put in a request to purchase a USB conference mic to help consolidate our recording apparatus.

Archiving: For archiving purposes, Agora technicians will fill out a detailed production log, which is now online.

Distributing: We have chosen to put Agora content on Oxy’s YouTube page. Marsha Inouye manages the page with Kimberly from ITS. I am meeting with Marsha next week (hopefully) to carve out space for Agora projects.

Labor: See "agora PA" form. The position is still pending approval.

Legal Matters: Communications has already devised a release form to be signed by all incoming students. This will cover students, while the Agora release forms we drew up in the spring with serve for all visitors. I am working with Sandy Cooper on a plain-English translation of the release form, to be posted to our website. This will ensure that Agora PA's are well trained and professional in explaining the consequences of signing it.

I will be gone for most of Monday.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

website disclaimer/intro

Agora Website Introduction

Welcome to the Agora Project. We are a new student-run service designed to record lectures and other public events held on campus, and to provide easy access to the videos via Oxy’s YouTube page.

If you are planning an on-campus event, Agora Production Assistants will take care of the recording process from start to finish. All you have to worry about is filling out a request form.

There are a few things that you should know before you make an Agora request:

1. Agora can only process a few requests per week. It is not guaranteed that your request will be met. To ensure that your event gets recorded, the best thing to do is file your request as early as possible.

2. Agora records video specifically for distribution through YouTube. This means a slightly lower standard of production value than you may be expecting. Our emphasis is on obtaining a document efficiently and unobtrusively, and that means using the bare bones of audio and video.

3. Agora’s equipment is designed to record speech and speakers. If your event is a performance - theatrical, musical or otherwise, then Agora will not be able to obtain a satisfactory recording.

4. Agora is required to obtain signed release forms from all on-camera participants. We would appreciate that you speak with all participants in advance of making an Agora request, to make sure that they are willing to sign the forms. A copy of the release form, with a short explanation, is available (here).

If you have any questions, please send an email with “info” in the subject heading to

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

10 videos

Oxy's YouTube page is sparse, with only 10 videos. None of the college's academic content has reached the web in this way.

PA position

Agora PA Position Request

Level 2 employees/ Minimum: $8.50 per hour.

  • “requires some technical skills, may supervise (1) employee; may involve physical demanding work environment”

Job Title: Agora Project Production Assistant

Number of positions: 4

Work Location: Campus-wide/Library

Work Schedule: TBD on a biweekly basis per requests

Approximate # of Hours per week: 8

Number of wks: 1 semester (12-13 weeks)

Start Date : Monday, September 13

Supervisor’s Name/ext./email: ?

Contact Name/ext/email: ?

Job Description:

Agora Project Production Assistants will be responsible for the recording, formatting, and archiving of public events at the college. This includes processing requests for filming, the care and management of basic Audio/Visual equipment, and all post production work associated with the creation of a final Agora video. The post-production work will involve basic use of stock editing software such as iMovie, to place credits at the beginning and end of videos. A short enumeration of the tasks is as follows:

production :

  • receiving and processing requests
    • includes email correspondence with different groups and organizations
  • retrieving equipment from AV
  • setting up and recording event
    • includes the posting of signs
  • filling out production log and collecting all relevant documents, including signed release forms
  • returning AV equipment


  • formatting the video file and backing it up
  • editing in credits and metadata
  • refining sound quality and polishing video

Agora PA’s will receive training in the specific use of all recording equipment and editing software.

Position Requirements and Preferences:

A minimum level of proficiency and familiarity with computers and audio-visual equipment; the ability to work on a flexible schedule of hours, and in different environments at the college; a interest in the fields of documentary film and digital media.

progress update

Agora Progress Update

Website: Agora’s website will be hosted under the CLDR’s page. It will be primarily for providing information and making project requests.

Recording: Agora’s mobile unit has been set up and tested. We discovered some problems with quicktime broadcaster, so we are switching to Quicktime Pro. We also put in a request to purchase a USB conference mic to help consolidate our recording apparatus.

Archiving: For archiving purposes, Agora technicians will fill out a detailed production log, which is now online.

Distributing: We have chosen to put Agora content on Oxy’s YouTube page. Marsha Inouye manages the page with Kimberly from ITS. I am meeting with Marsha next week to carve out space for Agora projects. She will also be helpful re: logos.

Labor: See "agora PA" form

Legal Matters: Communications has already devised a release form to be signed by all incoming students. This will cover students, while the Agora release forms we drew up in the spring with serve for all visitors.

Mobile unit/equipment